Ready to transform lives?

Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator










 Ready to transform lives?

Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator


The breath is a gateway to experiencing life with greater depth and clarity.

While we may take thousands of breaths each day without a second thought, few of us truly appreciate the immense power that lies within each inhale and exhale.

The breath holds the key to unlocking deep-seated patterns of tension, trauma, and emotional pain stored within the body-mind system. Through intentional breathwork practices, we can release these energetic blockages, allowing for greater flow and vitality to return to our being.

As we awaken to the forgotten power of breath, we reclaim our birthright as conscious, sovereign beings capable of shaping our own destinies. No longer mere bystanders to the currents of life, we become active participants in the co-creation of our reality, harnessing the transformative potential of our breath to manifest our deepest desires and intentions.

What is breathwork?

I can't meditate—is breathwork for me?

The Perks of Breathwork Facilitation


In the space between the inhale and the exhale lies a moment of stillness—a pause where we can find relief from the endless chatter of the mind.

In this stillness, we can observe our thoughts and emotions with a sense of detachment, recognizing that we are not defined by our experiences but rather by our ability to witness them with compassion and non-judgment.

Benefits of Breathwork Include:

  • Release of stress & anxiety
  • Emotional healing
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Improved mood regulation
  • Increase self awareness
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Strengthened immune system 

Hi! I'm Jessica—the founder of Om Breathwork. 

My journey with breathwork began as a personal quest for healing and self-awareness. Struggling with anxiety, stress, and a sense of disconnect from my true self, I turned to breathwork as a means of finding inner peace and clarity.

Through my own experiences with breathwork, I discovered a profound sense of empowerment, liberation, and purpose—along with a deep calling to share this transformative practice with others.

At Om Breathwork, we believe that true healing comes from within—that each individual possesses the innate wisdom and resilience to navigate life's challenges and embrace their highest potential. Through breathwork, we empower individuals to access their inner resources, cultivate self-awareness, and reclaim their power to create the life they desire.

The breath is a gateway to the soul, a source of healing and transformation, and a bridge that connects us to the deepest aspects of ourselves and the universe. 

As we continue to cultivate a culture of healing and compassion within ourselves and our communities, we have the power to create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond our immediate surroundings.

Ready to transform lives?

Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator