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You are here to do great thingsand it starts with your breath.

The Om Breathwork Facilitator Program is a 4-month journey designed to empower individuals to tap into their inner wisdom, unlock their full potential, and facilitate deep healing for themselves and others using the power of the breath.

We recognize that each person holds the keys to their own healing journey. The role of the facilitator is to create a safe and supportive space for that journey to unfold.

Through the transformative power of breathwork, individuals can access deeper states of consciousness, release emotional blockages, and connect with their innate wisdom and intuition.

This program is for you if...

➞ You have a passion for healing, transformation, and helping others unlock their full potential.

➞ You’re being called to dive deeper, to serve others, and to make a real difference in the world.

➞ You're committed to your own personal growth and development

➞ You're inspired by the idea of empowering others to tap into their own innate wisdom and healing potential

➞ You've experienced moments of clarity, glimpses of your true potential, and a deep knowing that there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing.

➞ You've heard about breathwork, experienced its profound effects firsthand, and now you're ready to take the next step.

From the Blog:

So You're Thinking of Becoming a Certified Breathwork Facilitator...

The Perks of Breathwork Facilitation

Paths You Can Take as a Breathwork Facilitator

— The Curriculum —

Module 1: What is Breathwork?
Module 2: Energetics & Physicality of Breath
Module 3: The Breakdown of Breathing
Module 4: The Nervous System
Module 5: The Brain on Breath
Module 6: Trauma Awareness
Module 7: The Different Types of Breathwork
Module 8: Breathwork Techniques
Module 9: The Effects of Different Breathing
Module 10: Mastering a Breathwork Session
Module 11: Leading a Breathwork Session
Module 12: The Legal Side of Breathwork
Weeks 13-16: Practicum

+ Trainings Led by Expert Trainers

Cultivating Self Trust
Learn how to lean into your intuition so that you can confidently lead your clients through healing + transformation.

Becoming a Sacred Space Holder
Learn how to take your space holding to the next level for yourself and for your clients.

Mastering Body Language
Learn how to read body language, emotions + energy so that you can better guide your clients through their journey.

The Power of Sound Healing
Learn how to use the power of sound to amplify the healing + transformation your clients experience.

Facilitating Circles + Retreats
Learn how to structure, plan + facilitate powerful breathwork circles + retreats.

Here's what you get on the inside:

► Certification in 2 different breathwork styles you can lead your clients through

► 10+ different breathwork techniques to use with your clients

► Monthly support Q&As + accountability

► Weekly online breathwork journeys via the Om Breathwork Membership

► Access to 30+ pre-recorded breathwork activations



► The Breathwork Facilitator Starter Pack (360° Sound Bose Speaker, Access to Over 450+ Breathwork Songs, 12 Eye Masks, 1 Yeti Water Bottle, Smudging Kit, $100 Amazon Gift Card + links to all of my alter props!)

Are you ready to transform lives?

Applications are now open!